Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
Oregon Grape Root plays a vital role in healing gut damage. True healing is such an inside job, is it not? And holistic healing is entirely personal which requires committed determination and unwavering perseverance. We exercise sovereignty over our health when we intentionally choose to engage in actions that are consistent with our values. Have you ever had a visceral response to a situation (or experience)? This is your paramount gut speaking to you. Recent research has shown that the gut is even more important than the brain in the human body. Wow! I paired this incredible herb with organic apples. The sweet apple flavor intensifies the naturally crisp, apple-like flavor of kombucha. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
- neurotransmitter acetylcholine fights the effects of aging on the brain and could prevent Alzheimer’s disease
- several compounds in apple peel have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon, and breast
- high in fiber which reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and balances blood sugar levels
- stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth to reduce tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria
- soluble fiber found in apples binds with fats in the intestine
- phenolic compound found in apple skins supports heart health by preventing cholesterol from solidifying on artery walls
- can help prevent gallstones
- effectively treats constipation and painful hemorrhoids
- aids weight loss
- antioxidant quercetin boosts immune system (especially during times of stress)
Oregon Grape Root
- contains a substance berberine which actually helps to heal the gut mucosa
- herbs that contain berberine are scientifically proven to protect against bacteria, viruses, and fungi
- very important herb to fix gut health long term
- used to treat intestinal parasites
- treats bacterial diarrhea as well as constipation
- can kill or suppress the growth of candida and other fungal infections, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other harmful microbes
- inhibits the ability of bacteria, such as E. coli, to attach to human cells (and thus prevent the spread of infection)
- stimulates the liver function, improves the flow of bile, and cleanses the blood
- boosts the immune system