Blackberry & Hyssop Kombucha

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

With our modern lifestyles, we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. For the first time in history, I feel that we actively need to detox to intentionally remove the build up of toxins. Hyssop is an effective detoxifier which gently cleanses the whole system, offering a rich berry flavor. Juicy, ripe blackberries impart a pleasantly sweet taste and soften the crisp flavor of kombucha. These two unite for a harmonious coupling. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.


  • support a healthy cardiovascular system (antioxidant anthocyanin protects against heart disease)
  • rich in vitamin C, manganese (plays an important role in brain function), and potassium
  • help prevent tumor growth and the spread of cancer
  • improve motor and cognitive function (provide a protective effect on the brain)
  • powerful anti-inflammatory protects against arthritis and gastric conditions


  • eliminates parasites in the gastrointestinal tract
  • prevents chronic disease due to the presence of numerous antioxidants
  • increases circulation, which improves oxygenation throughout the body
  • treats muscle pain and inflammation
  • calms anxiety and stress
  • defends the body against infections
  • optimizes digestion
  • relieves respiratory conditions, such as the common cold, asthma, and bronchitis
  • functions as a diuretic to help speed the detoxifying process in the body
  • lowers blood pressure to protect against atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases
  • boosts immunity
  • sooths the symptoms of premenstrual syndromes, such as mood swings and cramps