Blackberry & Lemongrass Kombucha

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Lemongrass provides an aromatic and tasty citrus overtone. Juicy, ripe blackberries impart a pleasantly sweet taste and soften the crisp flavor of kombucha. These two unite for a harmonious coupling. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.


  • support a healthy cardiovascular system (antioxidant anthocyanin protects against heart disease)
  • rich in vitamin C, manganese (plays an important role in brain function), and potassium
  • help prevent tumor growth and the spread of cancer
  • improve motor and cognitive function (provide a protective effect on the brain)
  • powerful anti-inflammatory protects against arthritis and gastric conditions


  • an aromatic and cooling herb that is used to increase perspiration and relieve fevers
  • an effective relaxant that acts as a central nervous system depressant
  • helps people under stress
  • used to treat internal parasites
  • an effective microbial that is believed to dispel bacterial infections
  • aids the gastrointestinal tract and eases indigestion, flatulence, and other stomach discomforts
  • relieves spasms and muscle cramps which are common in stomach ailments
  • relieves retained water
  • can help to relieve insomnia
  • helps people who suffer from hypertension
  • believed to be of great benefit to the skin and nails (often used by herbalists to clear blemishes and maintain balanced skin tone)
  • can help with menstrual cramps and other issues that involve female reproductive health