Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
The seasonal flavor for this week! A delicious, full-bodied brew featuring organic blackstrap molasses and organic hulled cardamom. Both ingredients have intense flavor profiles, and they combine for a rich flavor. Please note there are 2.5 grams of sugar per 8 ounce serving (5 grams per 16 ounce bottle) from the blackstrap molasses. Full of nutrients and health-promoting benefits, this seasonal brew is incredible. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
Blackstrap Molasses
- the healthiest form of molasses (contains the most vitamins and nutrients, but is also the least sweet)
- improves energy levels and digestion
- enhances digestion and is a natural stool softener (great treatment for constipation)
- one of the few excellent non-animal sources of iron (used to help remedy anemia)
- improves the texture of skin and encourages hair growth (contains copper)
- some people even report that it helped reverse graying hair and brought back their natural hair color when used regularly
- can also be used topically as an intensive moisturizing hair conditioning mask or directly on the face as a natural tightening face wash
- high in iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium
- high levels of antioxidants may help fight cancer cells and attack tumors by increasing the activity of certain enzymes
- anti-inflammatory protects from chronic diseases
- abundant antioxidants protect cells from damage and stop liver inflammation
- protects the liver by decreasing elevated liver enzymes
- prevents anxious behaviors and supports healthy mood
- used for thousands of years to help with digestion
- excellent treatment for infections, especially against the candida bacteria strain
- ancient remedy to treat bad breath and improve oral health (effective ability to fight common mouth bacteria that can cause dental cavities)
- protects against the H. pylori bacteria linked to the development of most stomach ulcer issues and stomach inflammation
- diuretic properties promote urination to remove water that builds up in your body and around your heart (helpful for high blood pressure)
- increases air flow to the lungs and improves breathing (enhances the body’s ability to use oxygen during exercise)
- helpful for treating asthma
- aids weight loss