Cantaloupe & Hawthorn Berry Water Kefir

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Melon and berries unite for a sweet celebration! Fresh, juicy cantaloupe is intensified in sweetness from the water kefir fermentation. Hawthorn berries offer a delicate berry flavor. As always, there is no sugar added – just pureed cantaloupe, hawthorn berry infusion, and fermented water kefir. Simple ingredients, yet powerful. Hawthorn berries boast a long list of beneficial properties and traditional uses for the heart. A delicious treat to nourish your wellbeing. Hydrating your health should be enjoyable! I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.


  • one of the highest sources of beta-carotene (a carotenoid that is converted into vitamin A to produce white blood cells or acts as a powerful antioxidant to help fight free radicals that attack cells in your body)
  • excellent sources of vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and the immune system performance
  • rich in natural folate (reduces the risk of some cancers and addresses memory loss due to aging)
  • high in fiber, which aids weight loss and bowel regularity
  • powerful electrolyte (high in potassium) and therefore best to replenish lost fluids after sweating from a workout or hot-weather day
  • zeaxanthin and carotenoids present in cantaloupe improve vision and reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
  • has a low glycemic load source of four (low glycemic load means that your body digests it slowly and prevents a blood sugar spike)
  • regulates blood pressure
  • phytonutrients boost immunity, help fight off diseases, and are anti-inflammatory
  • nourishing to skin and hair, and promotes hair growth

Hawthorn Berries

  • the supreme herb for the heart (if you have heart issues or just want to keep your heart healthy, you will want to use this herb on a regular basis)
  • strengthen and regulate the heart (can be used for any and all kinds of heart disorders such as angina pectoris, hypertrophy, and fibrillation of the heart)
  • very gentle and nurture the entire circulatory system (proven to be effective as a treatment for functional heart disease arrhythmia, circulatory insufficiency, and arteriosclerosis)
  • improve coronary circulation by dilating the coronary arteries to bring more oxygen directly to the heart muscle and reducing the chances of heart attack or angina (also help to keep the heart healthy enough to actually head off a heart attack)
  • great for those with stress problems as they produce natural adrenalin
  • perfect preventative prescription for persons who have a family history of heart disease
  • safe and effective long-term treatment for the gradual loss of heart function that comes with age because they are not habit forming, accumulative, or toxic
  • effective antioxidants
  • dilate arteries and veins, allowing blood to flow more freely and helping with blockages
  • good for some nervous disorders such as insomnia
  • help maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • for patients who have already suffered a heart attack, studies show that hawthorn berries speed recovery, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the heart to forestall any onset of coronary disease
  • help with anxiety and depression
  • FUN FACT: believed by many Christians to be the plant that was used for the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head