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Fresh, juicy cantaloupe is intensified in sweetness from the water kefir fermentation. You have to try this melon combination. As always, there is no sugar added – just pureed cantaloupe, yellow dock root infusion, and fermented water kefir. Simple ingredients, yet powerful. Yellow dock root boasts a long list of beneficial properties and traditional uses. A delicious treat to nourish your wellbeing. Hydrating your health should be enjoyable! I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
- one of the highest sources of beta-carotene (a carotenoid that is converted into vitamin A to produce white blood cells or acts as a powerful antioxidant to help fight free radicals that attack cells in your body)
- excellent sources of vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and the immune system performance
- rich in natural folate (reduces the risk of some cancers and addresses memory loss due to aging)
- high in fiber, which aids weight loss and bowel regularity
- powerful electrolyte (high in potassium) and therefore best to replenish lost fluids after sweating from a workout or hot-weather day
- zeaxanthin and carotenoids present in cantaloupe improve vision and reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
- has a low glycemic load source of four (low glycemic load means that your body digests it slowly and prevents a blood sugar spike)
- regulates blood pressure
- phytonutrients boost immunity, help fight off diseases, and are anti-inflammatory
- nourishing to skin and hair, and promotes hair growth
Yellow Dock Root
- the roots are used medicinally, while the leaves and stalks are consumed
- highly prized by modern herbalists as one of the richest sources of iron (contains biochelated iron, which is readily absorbed and therefore useful in treating anemia)
- helps treat fatigue
- excellent blood cleanser, purifier, and builder
- excellent cleanser of the lymphatic system (dissolves mucus and moves it through the kidneys, helps dissolve glandular and other tissues)
- supports stage-2 detoxification of the liver (especially helpful for those with the MTHFR mutation)
- used for jaundice and hepatitis (included in nearly all herbal liver remedies as it is an excellent liver detoxifier)
- removes unwanted toxins and hormones – has been used extensively to help with hormonal issues, imbalances, and PMS
- used for inflammation and to heal open sores (due to antioxidants as well as high mineral content, the root can lower pain and swelling from inflammation)
- the tannins and antimicrobial properties of the root are useful in diseases of the skin, including psoriasis, age spots, and eczema
- a powerful antioxidant that combats oxidative stress
- can kill parasites
- helpful with gallbladder issues
- used for constipation (glycosides in the root stimulate colon movement)
- one of the best herbs for the digestive system (increases production of digestive fluids and enzymes, especially bile)
- regulates blood sugar by decreasing sugar cravings and increasing feelings of fullness
- the inulin in yellow dock is a prebiotic, feeding the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that are essential for digestive health and microbiome diversity