Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
This is one of my personal favorites! I love the internal feeling after intense cleansing and detoxing, but I am not sure I enjoy the process. Enter: Cranberry & Dandelion Leaf. Cranberries work like sandpaper, scrubbing the inside of your urinary tract and removing buildup. Dandelion leaf is revered as one of the greatest tonics of all time, and is my absolute favorite herb. (I personally consume an infusion of dandelion leaf every morning.) I love the internal squeaky-clean feeling after consuming this, without the sacrifice and commitment of an intense cleanse. (Visualize a powerful drain cleaner steam cleaning and dissolving the inside of a clogged drain. Everything works more efficiently afterward.) I willingly sign up for this detox! I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
- beneficial to the kidneys, urinary tract, and lymphatic systems
- binds with and eliminates the fatty fluids in the lymph
- supports healthy kidney function and prevents formation of stones
- one of the lowest sugar fruits
- supports heart health by reducing the hardening of arteries
Dandelion Leaf
- best known for liver support (I recently read that disease cannot exist when the liver is performing optimally. Having a poor working liver means having a poor working body. The bulk of detoxing, digestion, pulling out vitamins/minerals for your body to use takes place in the liver. Just about every body system is linked to a function in the liver, so dandelion leaf is often recommended for any ailment.)
- contains bitter compounds that enhance the efficiency of the eliminative and detoxifying functions in the body
- one of the best blood purifiers and blood builders available (great for treating anemia and low blood pressure)
- restores normal liver and gallbladder function
- speeds up the movement of bile from the liver (especially helpful for those with MTHFR mutation)
- as a diuretic, tones the kidneys and aids in proper water elimination while maintaining appropriate potassium levels
- reduces harmful cholesterol levels in the body
- improves skin complexion and fertility
- balances hormones
- counteracts oxidative stress (the production of free radicals that lead to accelerated aging and several disease processes)
- prebiotic which feeds the healthy bacteria (probiotics) for better gut health, digestion, and microbiome diversity
- antioxidant lutein promotes eye health (one of the two major carotenoids found as a color pigment in the human eye)
- balance blood sugar levels