Grapefruit Sage Leaf Water Kefir

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

The crisp, signature flavor of grapefruit is balanced with the sweet, savory profile of sage. The citrus undertones here are complemented with the juicy robustness of whole, organic sage leaves. I enjoy this elixir over ice while sitting in the sunshine (and imagining that I am poolside!). I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.


  • regular consumption speeds weight loss
  • extends the fat-burning half-life of caffeine
  • reduces the risk of kidney stones (the citric acid in grapefruit binds to excess calcium and effectively flushes it from the system)
  • encourages heart health (reduces LDL cholesterol and trigylcerides, and lowers blood pressure levels)
  • contains the antioxidant lycopene which is associated with cancer prevention
  • increases energy and vitality, and tones the skin

Sage Leaves

  • contains several anti-cancer compounds, including carnosol, camphor, and rosmarinic acid (studies reveal that carnosol can kill several types of cancer cells without affecting healthy cells)
  • linked to a decreased risk of thyroid cancer
  • prevents genetic changes that cause colon cancer cell formation
  • camphor was found to promote healthy skin-cell growth, slow signs of aging, and decrease wrinkle formation
  • widely used in alternative medicine to boost mood
  • improve memory, brain function, and focus
  • targets oral pain and inflammation, antibacterial properties combat bad breath and sore throats, often used as a remedy for mouth wounds because of the remarkable wound-healing properties