How to make an Herbal Infusion

Herbal infusions provide medicinal-level healing capabilities in a form that the body can quickly and easily assimilate. The abundant micronutrients are bioavailable in the finished infusion, which research supports that the body absorbs better than synthetic isolates.

Our bodies recognize herbs as food with healing potential, versus the manufactured vitamins that are processed as toxins. The problem is that the body is not meant to absorb large quantities of these synthetic isolates effectively, and is overloaded with burden (3000% RDA of Vitamin B? No wonder neon yellow urine follows!). The poor absorption rate causes most of the vitamin (or supplement) to be excreted. Not only are we paying for very expensive urine, but our bodies are unable to effectively absorb or utilize any of the synthetic nutrition.

Instead, creating your own herbal infusion is an effective way to nourish the body while boosting nutritional and medicinal value – as nature intended! Living in harmony with your gut microbiome does not have to be difficult. Herbal infusions can be enjoyed alone, or added to your favorite raw kombucha or raw water kefir. Intensify the value and flavor of any drink by infusing herbs.

Formally, herbal infusions are creating by weighing the herb on a scale (since each herb has a different weight per volume). But if you do not own a food scale, you can easily craft your own herbal infusion by using the ratio of 1 part dried herb to 4 parts filtered water. Let us take a visual look at the step-by-step process.

How to Create an Herbal Infusion

1. Measure out 1 part dried herb. (1/2 cup of organic whole marshmallow root is pictured.)
2. Transfer the herb to a clean brewing vessel with lid (cups or glass jars work well).
3. Pour 4 parts of boiling water over the herb. (2 cups of filtered water is pictured here.)
4. Stir with a clean spoon to combine.
5. Cover with a lid to preserve the aromatics. Let this sit on the counter at room temperature for 4-12 hours. Then, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve. Compost the herbs, and consume the resulting infusion.

I prefer to begin the infusion before I go to bed at night, and strain in the morning. This way, I have a fresh infusion for the next day. You can add the infusion to your water bottle and dilute with raw kombucha/raw water kefir/filtered water if you will be traveling for the day.

That is all! An easy way to significantly improve your health.

Health is Wealth. Cheers!