Our Customers: The Heart of Our Mission

We are in the midst of one of the most significant shifts in enlightenment that humanity has ever seen.  Let us take the time to reassess our shared experiences by opening our minds to interchanges that are more heart centered and truly honor the energy of reciprocity. 

We choose People before Profits.

One of our business tenets here at THE FIFTH TIME is to view customer relationships as a form of energy medicine that relies upon authentic human exchange.  We have been exploring how to deepen this exchange within our community.

In our society, the system of marketing and sales has historically strained relationships leading to competition, scarcity, and the devaluation of communities, products, and services. 

How can we improve our customer relationship in order to enhance the healing exchange that happens? First, we can begin by building more sacred transactions.

Healing requires more than a monetary exchange. We have to be willing to open the sacred space within us where healing takes place. Traditional interchanges assign value to a product or service, but can we really outsource healing work to physical curatives?

Physical interventions through means of healthy remedies are not the only components necessary to heal. There is another element in the relationship: the vital source.  This energetic spirit within all of us is responsible for healing. 

As I dive deeper into my studies of the Germanic Healing Framework (German New Medicine), I realize that my role to you is to serve as the conduit of robust potential allowing your energetic spirit to heal.  Through conscious awareness, I practice techniques to facilitate the subliminal transformation from the abstract domain and into the grounded reality as an experience in present time. 

This gentle focus informs my engagement with you.  I aspire to ignite the powerful life force within you, so that your intuition is strengthened and can bring forth beauty and meaning to the world.  Together, we can raise the vibration of humanity and promote healing. 

Remaining fully present, I want you to feel seen, heard, and understood.  Being witnessed without judgement is truly healing!  The dynamics of health are unique and individualized.  We are never broken, but always remain whole. 

Please continue to share your experiences and observations with me.  I welcome your thoughts, and value the journey you are on.  By offering individualized solutions to your specific health needs, I want to provide supportive products to accompany your optimal healing path. 

With genuine authenticity,
