Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
The seasonal flavor for this week! Also, the first time I have paired two herbs together in one flavor. I enjoy this brew over ice in lieu of an afternoon iced coffee. Organic roasted carob pods have a unique flavor that is similar to a nutty caramel. Peppermint is a popular flavor during this season, but there is nothing artificial or sugar laden here! Just pure, organic whole herbs that work synergistically together to nourish and heal with 0 grams of sugar. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
Roasted Carob
- contains twice the amount of calcium as cocoa powder
- naturally sweet and a caffeine-free alternative to cocoa powder
- contains gallic acid, which works as an analgesic, anti-allergic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and antiseptic
- helps treat coughs
- aids digestion
- is thought to help prevent lung cancer
- very low in oxidates (beneficial cocoa replacement for those at risk of kidney stones)
- may help nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach
- lowers cholesterol
- better for those with high blood pressure (caffeine free)
- contains high levels of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium
- high in fiber and protein
- contains vitamins A, B, B2, B3, and D
Peppermint Leaf
- helps to increase production of digestive fluids which is great for bowel health
- wonderful breath freshener
- helps to settle an upset stomach, ease nausea, treat indigestion, and curb flatulence
- useful as an expectorant (alleviates mucus when suffering from colds and allergies)
- contains astringent compounds which shrink inflamed tissues
- used for headache relief
- excellent herb catalyst or activator (drinking a cup of peppermint tea before taking other herbs open the circulation and potentiates their action)
- revitalizing and uplifting aroma