Rosemary Leaf & Yellow Dock Root Water Kefir

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Simple ingredients, yet powerful. Rosemary leaf, the delicious and dominant flavor, is a great all-around stimulant and tonic. Yellow dock root boasts a long list of beneficial properties and traditional uses. Organic, whole herbs preserve the medicinal components and offer sustainable, long-term healing while providing a boost of flavor and natural carbonation. I personally use yellow dock root several times a week, and always feel more brighter and cheerful afterwards. My family reports feeling more “giggly” after consuming my yellow dock root drinks! Clean liver = better moods. I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.

Rosemary Leaf

  • as a tonic for the nervous system, used to treat exhaustion, weakness, and depression
  • this incredible herb contains beneficial phenolic components, such as rosmarinic, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acids, as well as a host of health-promoting flavonoids that possess strong antioxidant properties
  • improves circulation, increasing the blood flow to the head and brain ( renowned as aiding in memory function)
  • stimulates the immune system
  • improves and stimulates digestion
  • fights dandruff and balding
  • strengthens the heart and reduces high blood pressure
  • good for treating cold conditions, like chills and rheumatism
  • contains anti-inflammatory compounds that make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks
  • can help relieve flatulence
  • used as an insect repellant
  • may help with joint issues and gout

Yellow Dock Root

  • the roots are used medicinally, while the leaves and stalks are consumed
  • highly prized by modern herbalists as one of the richest sources of iron (contains biochelated iron, which is readily absorbed and therefore useful in treating anemia)
  • helps treat fatigue
  • excellent blood cleanser, purifier, and builder
  • excellent cleanser of the lymphatic system (dissolves mucus and moves it through the kidneys, helps dissolve glandular and other tissues)
  • supports stage-2 detoxification of the liver (especially helpful for those with the MTHFR mutation)
  • used for jaundice and hepatitis (included in nearly all herbal liver remedies as it is an excellent liver detoxifier)
  • removes unwanted toxins and hormones – has been used extensively to help with hormonal issues, imbalances, and PMS
  • used for inflammation and to heal open sores (due to antioxidants as well as high mineral content, the root can lower pain and swelling from inflammation)
  • the tannins and antimicrobial properties of the root are useful in diseases of the skin, including psoriasis, age spots, and eczema
  • a powerful antioxidant that combats oxidative stress
  • can kill parasites
  • helpful with gallbladder issues
  • used for constipation (glycosides in the root stimulate colon movement)
  • one of the best herbs for the digestive system (increases production of digestive fluids and enzymes, especially bile)
  • regulates blood sugar by decreasing sugar cravings and increasing feelings of fullness
  • the inulin in yellow dock is a prebiotic, feeding the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that are essential for digestive health and microbiome diversity