Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
Watermelon – a cherished favorite! Whole, pureed watermelon is the dominant flavor, and is almost too good to be true. Satisfying and pleasant, watermelon pairs well with raw water kefir for a charming elixir. Saw Palmetto Berries benefit the body but have a strong flavor on their own that is often undesirable. Thankfully, we can receive the nourishing benefits of whole, organic Saw Palmetto Berries while enjoying a watermelon treat too delicious to be this healing! I chose this flavor for the nutritional and medicinal possibilities.
- one of the best sources of lycopene, an antioxidant known to combat oxidative stress, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and repair free radical cellular damage
- aids weight loss and serves as an excellent electrolyte
- l-citrulline has been shown to improve artery function and lower blood pressure by helping blood vessels relax
- contains fiber that supports healthy gut function
- prebiotics feed beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, boost mineral absorption, improve blood glucose and insulin levels, and may protect against colon cancer
- l-citrulline may improve muscle oxygenation and athletic performance during endurance exercise
Saw Palmetto Berries
- known as the hormone herb, and are excellent for all diseases of the reproductive organs in both males and females
- help to regulate hormones, aid in fertility, and can help with libido (are a natural aphrodisiac)
- benefit all glands, and help rid the body of excess mucus from the head, sinus, and lungs
- excellent treatment for prostatitis, impotence, and urinary tract infection (antiseptic properties shrink the inflamed tissue in the urinary system)
- encourage muscle growth and facilitate building muscle mass
- studies are being done to test effectiveness on male hair loss
- help energize and add vitality to those who are stressed